
Eliora Bousquet's paintings from the collection Luminescence on a gallery wall

One-of-a-kind Paintings
Style: Abstract Art
Technique: ink, watercolour, mixed technics
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Read the story behind Eliora Bousquet's collection Aqualchemy  Imagine Eliora Bousquet's paintings at your home Watch Eliora Bousquet's paintings in video Picto exposition virtuelle d'Eliora Bousquet

Pictures and texts protected. Reproduction forbidden.
    Logo Copyright France et accès au certificat d'Eliora Bousquet


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  • 'Web Exclusive' (painting that is non-available in art galleries and is sold at a preferential rate from -10% and -30% on my website exclusively)
  • 'Private Collection' (painting that I keep for myself)
  • 'Reproduction on Order' (painting not available for sale in its original version: ink, digital artwork,...)
  • 'Unavailable' (painting not available for sale, sold or offered as a gift)
  • 'Reserved' (painting currently exhibited in a gallery, that I cannot sell by myself meanwhile)

NB: The series displayed in each collection are not chronological. I numbered them for simple reasons of visual coherence, in order to group paintings with the same inspiration, movement or colorimetry.


Unless the title "... (+ free frame)" is explicitly mentioned on the description page of the artworks, all the paintings are sold unframed.


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All my collections
Aqualchemy • Celestial Visions • Chromatic FantasiaeCosmosis • Evanescence Luminescence • Naturessences  Poetic Fictions • Renaissance • Sea-Mulations • Serendipity Copyrights

Pictures and videos are not contractual. Pictures and videos of the paintings, by-products, interior decoration settings,... are copyrighted: please consult the "Legal Terms" page for further information.


Website, paintings, other creations and texts protected © Elisabeth Eliora Bousquet 2009 • All rights reserved E. BOUSQUET ®  

All contents on this website are protected by copyrights in France and 179 other countries. Even partial reproduction is strictly forbidden.

Logo Copyright France et accès au certificat d'Eliora Bousquet

#art #artworks #painting #abstractart #abstraction #decoration #arttherapy